"Making Joyful Memories For Generations"
I love sharing my passion of what I saw yesterday to share with you today. The photographs of wildlife are special, with the world loosing this precious beauty slowly overtime, we may only know these animals by pictures of yesterday. Reflections is a magnet to me for seeing life from a different view. The landscapes that crisscross over the horizons are present in my interputation of what catches my eye. Please enjoy today, I know I have and look forward to seeing more tomorrow.
Jody Lovejoy
My work can be seen at:
Jody's Zenfolio Site  or  Jody's Artist Website
All images are copyright © Jody Lovejoy Photography. All the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or downloaded in any way, shape or form. All rights are reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the Photographer is strictly prohibited.
Contact Us
You can call or email with orders or questions.
Email: jlovejoyphotos@aol.com
Phone: 239-910-2669
Jody Cell: 239-910-6559